The Philosophy in Schools Association of New South Wales is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and supporting philosophy in schools in New South Wales. Its primary role is to provide professional development for teachers.
Philosophy in Schools NSW Association is a founding member of the Federation of Asia-Pacific Philosophy in Schools Association.
FAPSA is affiliated with the International Council of Philosophic Inquiry with Children (IPIC) a worldwide organisation for philosophers and educators engaged in philosophy in school and with your people. ICPIC publishes its own journals and newsletters, and conducts conferences and meetings on a regular basis.
The Association for Philosophy in Schools NSW is also part of a global UNESCO network that advocates for children to engage in philosophical inquiry. We have recently become a partner in the UNESCO Chair on the Practice of Philosophy with Children, based at the Université de Nantes in France. Through this partnership, our association is connected to other associations, institutions, and educational leaders around the world
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