About Us

The Association for Philosophy is Schools Association NSW has been active in Sydney for decades. Its aim is to improve the quality of the thinking that occurs in NSW classrooms and the quality of the pedagogy stimulating that thinking. We advocate the development of Community of Inquiry within the classroom, based on the model provided in the work of John Dewey, Matthew Lipman, Lev Vygotsky and Phil Cam. Our approach is student-centred, meaning that teacher-facilitators assist students both to set the agenda for their learning and to monitor the processes and the quality of their own learning. These strategies develop students’ capacities for critical and creative thought via the explicit teaching of higher order thinking skills and reasoning strategies. They also advance students’ personal and social capabilities due to their deliberate inclusive nature.

The Association’s aims, objectives and structures are outlined in our Constitution. To read the Constitution, please click on the link below.

To read the Association’s most recent annual report, please click on the link below.
Annual Report